My sister's blog makes me think a lot about the things that I've hidden from myself for as long as possible. It made me realize something. I'm tired of everything. I have few bright moments in my life, more so recently I think. Some that I don't give proper gratitude to, it's true. I'm so tired though, I don't know how to care sometimes. If I don't care though, I feel guilty. Which makes it much more difficult to make it through sometimes. I don't know how to release the dark moments and cling to the bright ones. I know it's because the second layer of my brain thinks that I don't deserve it. The scary thing is that's the layer that I normally label as the smart one. The one that figures everything out before I ever realize that I needed to think about it, and then it's there on my plate ready to serve. How do I continue to trust it? The thing I've let me guide me through life and has gotten me where I am, which for the most part is somewhat successful. I guess I treat it like a god sometimes, attribute everything good to it and everything bad to something else.
Don't get me wrong, I am happy most of the time. I have so many things to look forward to and to do. It's just, I'm tired of all the crappy stuff and sometimes it's just so overwhelming I don't know how to handle it, and I don't know how to help someone let me handle it and I don't know anything and I can't do anything right it feels like. I'm weary, but everything I've ever heard about people's life around here that they turn to to relieve their weariness, the very thought makes me anxious and fearful. Frankly, what I need is "me" time but I don't know how to just stop and take "me" time. I just want to quit, and do nothing. Yet I still have a whole lifetime to go. I don't know how to handle that. All I know is I'm currently looking at two weeks with nothing to do, nothing I HAVE to do. I think this will help. Either that or I'm going to go batcrazy and drive to Montana just because I can.
Basically, once again I'm anxious and I don't know how to release it. I want to cry and scream, but I can't. Blegh, I'm sick of life and I want to quit and just go live on the street and not care about ANYTHING. I don't want to care about being excellent, good, or even alive. I want to be able to just sit there and not care. I don't know how to not crave being the best. Life is kicking my butt right now and I don't know how to lose, I can't handle it. I don't know how to win though. For so long my only response I had to not being the best was to quit, drop out, and not deal with it. Now finally life is forcing me to deal with it.
Then suddenly a song called Heart and Music comes on Pandora. You gotta have Heart and Music. Heart and Music get a long. Heart and Music make a song. It just makes sense. I like things that make sense, they're the best.
Anyone have any ideas or places that I can go and just be straight up silly, not care, decompress, and do whatever the hell I want to?
And then I think about how I'm still only 21 and I've got another 70 or so years of this.... I'm still sick of life, but maybe, I'll get through it anyways.
There will be adventures in life. There will be love in life. There will be happiness in life. There will be sorrow in life. There will be hatred in life. There will be envy in life. There will be all six. All six of these elements will be thrown at you. But if one of them is a knife, just duck or move to the side. - Grace Gordon
Friday, December 16, 2011
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
I was a chaperone once.
Once upon a time a few weeks ago. I was a chaperone. Truth be told, I was not ready for it. I knew how to be a drama coach. That is something I can do. Am I the best at it? No, no where near. Do I know what I'm doing? No, not really. Can I do it anyways, and put together a scene or a monologue that at least makes sense? Most of the time. There are some things that I'm just not very good at yet, I'm okay with that. I plan to become better.
But all of that is besides the point, what I really want to talk about is that I was a chaperone. It's horrifying, completely and utterly horrifying. Just ask Mr. Lemen who's daughter I happened to be a chaperone for. I was the last one asleep and the first one awake. That included going to sleep at 2 am and getting up at 6. It was only for 3 days, but I was so tired I fell asleep at 11, in my car. Luckily I wasn't driving, I realized I was going to fall asleep. I lost a few kids a few times, none of them died. For some reason they got in trouble, I didn't... I learned and did room checks! WEIRD!
Yet somehow, I still had the most fun I've ever had at Shakespeare, I came away knowing more so that when I was a teacher my kids were coming. I don't care where I'm teaching, even if it's in New York, Florida, Washington, or even in Cedar City, we're coming! I helped a kid realized that she really DID love doing this stuff. Even though it's hard and intimidating. It's great to do! I had the time of my life, my kids did too!
PS. These kids were SO my kids. I loved everyone of them and it was such a great experience for me. We didn't win a thing, but they learned about what they like to do, they had a good experience and their good experience is what defined it for me.
But all of that is besides the point, what I really want to talk about is that I was a chaperone. It's horrifying, completely and utterly horrifying. Just ask Mr. Lemen who's daughter I happened to be a chaperone for. I was the last one asleep and the first one awake. That included going to sleep at 2 am and getting up at 6. It was only for 3 days, but I was so tired I fell asleep at 11, in my car. Luckily I wasn't driving, I realized I was going to fall asleep. I lost a few kids a few times, none of them died. For some reason they got in trouble, I didn't... I learned and did room checks! WEIRD!
Yet somehow, I still had the most fun I've ever had at Shakespeare, I came away knowing more so that when I was a teacher my kids were coming. I don't care where I'm teaching, even if it's in New York, Florida, Washington, or even in Cedar City, we're coming! I helped a kid realized that she really DID love doing this stuff. Even though it's hard and intimidating. It's great to do! I had the time of my life, my kids did too!
PS. These kids were SO my kids. I loved everyone of them and it was such a great experience for me. We didn't win a thing, but they learned about what they like to do, they had a good experience and their good experience is what defined it for me.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Holy Crap
So, I've been thinking about everything that's happened in my life recently, and all I have to say is HOLY CRAP!
These are the things that have happened to me in the last year.
Bought a car
Moved out
Got an internet bill actually in my name
Fallen in love
Gotten my heart broken
Driven to Cedar City just for a show(Awesome BTW)
Dealt with a roommate that I don't know.
Been unemployed
Worked 50 hours in a week
Had a nervous/mental/emotional breakdown
Been paid to be in a show
Realized that theater is the one thing in my life I want to do forever
Learned that I can honestly be a teacher
Learned that I could be a really good teacher
There's probably more, but it's just something that has been in my head and I thought I would share. Those are all firsts that have happened to me in the last year. It's weird to me.
These are the things that have happened to me in the last year.
Bought a car
Moved out
Got an internet bill actually in my name
Fallen in love
Gotten my heart broken
Driven to Cedar City just for a show(Awesome BTW)
Dealt with a roommate that I don't know.
Been unemployed
Worked 50 hours in a week
Had a nervous/mental/emotional breakdown
Been paid to be in a show
Realized that theater is the one thing in my life I want to do forever
Learned that I can honestly be a teacher
Learned that I could be a really good teacher
There's probably more, but it's just something that has been in my head and I thought I would share. Those are all firsts that have happened to me in the last year. It's weird to me.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
I feel weird, I start working two jobs on Tuesday. I am working 41 hours next week, and there's always the possibility of more. I feel crazy, anxious, tired, and everything else. My brain is relaxed but my body is tensed. I just don't know what is going on anymore. It's completely driving my insane and I just want things to be normal for a second. Instead, I have no money, my dad get's laid off and everything just seems to be going wrong. I'm stressed out and I haven't even started yet.... It's just a blarg kind of day.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Here's the thing
I once again have no idea what to write about, but my brain is going crazy. So, someone should give me an idea. I love them :)
Sunday, July 10, 2011
So once there was a question...
What would I need to be capable of feeling like an adult. That's a tricky question, because I'm gonna be honest. I don't really want to feel like an adult. It has a horrifying connotation to me. Because being a kid is fun. Kids are capable of doing anything they put their mind to...Adults limit themselves, they have to be a certain way. There are "qualifications." I feel my life doesn't need those, I'm a person that can't live within limited boundaries. I like the freedom to whatever I feel like doing. I love the ability to make decisions and choices, but adults still limit themselves. They give themselves a feeling of accomplishment for saying they can't do those things anymore. Being an adult means you're better than being a kid, which to me makes it worse. By defining themselves as better it feels to me that they're limiting themselves with whatever makes them better. So, I don't want to ever feel like an adult, I don't want to experience what it's like to define myself as better, smarter, bigger, or whatever. I like believing in Santa, I love believing in magic. I feel there is nothing that would make me want to be an adult. I want to be a kid with my wife, I want to be a kid with my kids, and most of all I want to be a kid with my grandkids, there's nothing cooler than a kid grandpa, right? ^_^
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Perfect Day.
My perfect day, is ridiculous. But That's ok, because I'm ridiculous. I'd love to spend all day in a hot tub whilst snowing, even though it's closer to like 50 degrees outside. I'd love for random people that I love to come and go, some like Hannah, ZackH, Gary and family I'd like to stay longer or just all day. There's really no activities planned, just being able to do whatever whimsy or fancy I feel like following. We'd play some sports at some point, we'd watch BYU crush Utah at all sports 100-0. Those sort of things. Truly, there would be no structure to it, just full of people that I love and love me too!
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
So, I don't have easy access to a computer anymore, so I will attempt to be super cool and blog and stuff still, but it'll be even less frequent. Which is a shame, I've almost gotten into a groove with this thing. Me and bloggy are becoming good friends, hopefully this won't affect out relationship too much. We have so much in common sometimes. Plus, bloggy has the added benefit of doing what I ask of him that is within his power. It's good to have such a friend. Nevertheless, I will be blogging less, but still, I ask that you ask questions about what you want to know about me! I would love to respond, but I am not very good at speaking about myself. I recently didn't apply for a job because it wanted me to write two paragraphs about myself and I just couldn't bring myself to do it. So please, comment, ask, whatever. I would love to hear what you want to hear about so that I can respond to it!
Friday, June 24, 2011
day 25: what would I find in your bag
Due to the fact that I literally no longer have any sort of bag I feel this post is slightly outdated or something. So as such, I'm going back in time to when I frequently used a bag. This was my drama big filled with drama things and such.
In this past bag you find very important things, such as: My script, a previous script I forgot to take out, contact lenses, glasses case, contact solution, my electric razor, my wallet, my keys, my phone, a notepad to write down the notes I'm given, hopefully a snack but not really that often, and definitely and probably most importantly deodorant. It's a life saver in a dance show.
I thought I'd join the party...
So, the two most read blogs by myself(sorry Jeff, I just bookmarked your blog, so I will catch up. I just hadn't yet.) are my sister's and my girlfriend's. Both of their most recent posts are about father's, one of whom I happen to share and the other has a distinct possibility of being shared with me at some point in the future(we're still thinking far off, I'm still a little kid I promise) The post about my father really brought out a lot of stuff I hadn't thought about before. My dad is awesome. I know I make fun of him, a lot, more than I should. To me he seems awkward, weird, and crazy. Somehow our brains don't work at ALL the same, but he's still taught me a lot about life. He's taught me to be kind, gentle and sweet. I think he tried to teach me it's okay to cry, I haven't really learned that one yet, but it's starting to make sense. He taught me to love, always. He taught me how to treat the woman that I marry(or want to, though he DID kiss another girl the week before he got engaged. He said so, I heard it, he now denies it, especially when mom's around) He's got crazy stories that if you ever have the patience to listen to are actually pretty awesome. He just takes way too long a time with them. He taught me how to go after the things I love, relentlessly. He tried to teach me that about everything but it just made him seem crazier. Though I now admire and almost envy that kind of work ethic to be perfect. I took the opposite road, rather than work at it, I look at it and say, why try? It's sad I know, but my pappy/popeye/padre/dad/father dearest/ daddy/ whatever name I come up with for the day(I have a lot of nicknames for him) He's shown me how to better that and get over it too. I don't think he even meant to teach me that one, but one of the amazing things about me, is I learn by seeing just as much as by normal teaching methods.
The amazing thing about all of this, I haven't even said anything about any of the time that he has sacrificed for any of his children. Beyond working a million hours a week doing what he needs to do for his job, despite all the physical pain he goes through daily, and the many hours he serves as computer guru for the stake. He was always there to help us it seemed. I remember how excited I was for the father son's camping trips(Which I MISS by the way) The camping trip before my baptism, the thousand other trips that he volunteered on. I was always jealous of the fact that my dad wasn't one of my scout leaders because of the campouts that they went on. We weren't even allowed to go to Angel's Landing just because we could die or something. LAME!(Seriously, ridiculous though, we went as deacons, but for some reason we got stupider as we became priests...) Though something just as awesome and nice, my dad coached me in soccer, for like 2000 years or something. He encouraged me in it, eventually I learned that I'm either not good enough at soccer for the next level, or not good at try outs... Don't worry though, eventually I got good at those situations...they're just called auditions now.
This has been long, probably not at all coherent, but it's how I feel about my dad, I want to express some thankfulness for what he's taught me to be. I'm super thankful for the posts that inspired me to write this too. I love my dad, he's awesome and everything I hope to be in a father one day.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Sometimes things happen.
So, sometimes my sister tells me to do things. Like write about me. I don't know if you people know this, but I'm secretly the most private person in the world. I am in fact an introvert. I love meeting new people and talking to them, I like getting to know them. I don't like letting people get to know me. It's probably a bit of a surprise to some of you because well... sometimes I don't let you in either. My family either knows me a lot better than they show, or don't actually know me at all because I'm not brave enough to talk up about my self, and frankly they don't ask a lot of questions in situations that I'm willing to give a straight answer. I'm getting better at that though, the being honest thing. Even though it might be a bit embarrassing to say maybe I'm late because I lost track of time because I was kissing... Those kind of things. So, sometimes my sister tells me to do things, and sometimes I listen, you're the best sisser, loves!
ps. That is the most difficult thing I've ever written in my life for those of you that may question it.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
day 24: post your favorite quotation and why
Friendship is like peeing yourself, everyone can see it, but only you feel the warmth
Because it's just SOOO true! ^_^
Monday, June 13, 2011
day 23: something you crave a lot
I crave love, happiness, and peace! I'm kind of a hippy like that. But, less whole world, more just me type thing. I love attention, and things that make me happy. I also hate when there is contention in the room. My mind dwells on it, I feel like I should have done something to make it better. Now, I generally will do something to make it better because I hate being uncomfortable.
day 22: what makes you different from everyone else
For the most part I'm a pretty average guy, but I feel something that differentiates me from the rest of the world is my ability to connect the two sides of my brain. They work very well together and have now reached a point where they are kind of dependent on the other to work. I'm not sure if that's good or bad, but my emotional and logical minds are very much one now. It's weird, I used to have two completely different worlds where the two were allowed to live but never cross.
day 21: a picture of something that makes you happy

So, I'm skipping day 20, write a letter to someone. Because I'm so stuck


Today, we're finding something that makes me happy!

(Like skipping writing letters!)
So, some of the things that make me happy are picking my nose, vegas showgirls in Orem, Hair, and looking life Fidel Castro with my sister.
Friday, June 10, 2011
Opening night!
So, I feel it's important to tell all my most loyal fans about opening night! It's tonight! I'm in Singing in the Rain at the Scera Shell. You're all very welcome, in fact I would love to see you all there! I'm playing the characters Rod and the Tenor that sings Beautiful Girls! You should all come see it! It runs from June 10th(today) till the 25th, dark nights(AKA nights it is not performed) are Tuesdays and Wednesdays! You're the bestest! I love you all, hope to see you there.
you can buy tickets at or get all the info you would ever want.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Sometimes I'm cool.
So, due to the fact that sometimes I'm cool, I've added the ability to share my blog! I'm okay with you promoting me, I think I'm cool too. I promote myself often. By the time I was 15 I had been promoted to King of the Universe, Everything, and Nothing...But Mostly Nothing. I'm a self promoter, but apparently sometimes I'm pragmatic about this sort of thing.
What I'm not ok with? Spell check saying ok is the wrong way to spell okay. I can spell it however I please!
Monday, June 6, 2011
An epiphany!
So, I think my problem with being a consistent blogger is blogging about something that I truly care about. See, the thing is, I'm the kind of person that secretly is very private. I'm so very friendly and outgoing so that sometimes no one ever gets to know me because... well, I'm already off talking to someone else. So, I'm going to try to start finding things that I love to write about. Because I'm awesome, my opinions and voice should be heard. They are awesome things, it's just that I sometimes don't know where to direct these things. I will not just plain strive to write everyday just to write something, that's not who I am. That would make this a burden rather than something I love. So, if anyone has any ideas. I understand it's difficult finding something I truly care about, because well, let's be honest there are not many things in this life that are truly worth caring about.
These are things I know I care about, my family, my friends, and Stanley. He's a pig, but he's a pretty awesome pig. Though he's currently being held ransom for a dance in drag and a truffle shuffle.
PS. Does anyone have any awesome drag that I could borrow? I kind of miss my pig....and SpongeBrick RamboPants. He's a distant relative of Spongebob Squarepants, Rambo, Spiderman, and the Empire State Building.
day 19: write about a sweet memory from your past
Some of my sweetest memories are sacred to me, so I'll have to share those to those who I fully trust rather than the whole world.
This one is pretty good too though.
So, once upon a time I was about 7 years old. As a 7 year old, I had a very strong belief in the grossocity of kisses. (Logically, still do, something may have changed about the overall belief for some reason...) While being this awesome 7 year old, we went to visit my cousins that live in Virginia very near unto Washington D.C. As a wise 7 year old, I felt it necessary to share with all my humble yet incredibly wise opinion, which I felt was so intelligent and well thought out that it may as well just have been fact. This opinion was in fact that kisses are gross. Whilst sharing this opinion to my then 3ish year old cousin Jewell(I think) she informed very well that "Kisses are soft, okay?" That is all. I have never forgotten that moment or that advice. I do very much believe that kisses are soft. Okay ^_^
day 18: plans/dreams/goals you have
Some day, I've always wanted to perform on Broadway, I don't care how long or even if I'm paid. I just want the chance to see what it's like, because honestly, I don't think it's a lifestyle I would want or enjoy, but I want to know, truly, if it would be wrong for me. I don't like to leave things unknown.
I plan to have a family with a woman that I love more dearly than anything I could imagine.
Some dreams I have is that maybe I could be a voice actor by day and a normal person by night. Be able to perform to support a family, yet not have all the annoying parts with everybody recognizing your face!
A Goal, someday, I will support a family no matter what it takes. No matter the cost. In my head I'm meant to sacrifice myself, so to indulge that for something that really matters would be nice.
day 17: someone you'd want to switch lives with for a day and why
So what most people seem to not understand or get about me is how much I LOVE to understand things. It's my main motivation in life, so when I say who I want to switch with keep that in mind.
One of the people I would be most interested in switching with for a typical day would be Hitler. Lets be honest for a second, he was a genius. He controlled the German minds to think what he wanted them to think, or to at least not think that what he thought was wrong. I just want to understand why he honestly felt the way he did. I don't know if he truly thought that the Arians were the supreme race, he wasn't blue eyed or blonde haired, why didn't he pick his body type? I don't know if he honestly hated and blamed the Jews or not. Was is only real desire power, psychologically, why was that his driving motive? If I was my mind in his body with his memories, would it come to the same conclusions he did? Was he just so far gone that I couldn't even have a glimmer of understanding?
In my life understanding has meant love, if I can understand a man so twisted as him and still find a reason to respect and love him, maybe there would be a chance for me?
Sunday, June 5, 2011
day 15: put your iPod on shuffle and list the first 10 songs that play
So, I don't have an ipod, so I'll do Pandora!
1. One by One from Lion King
2. Shiksa Goddess from the Last 5 Years
3. The Rose by the King's Singers
4. On the Steps of the Palace from Into the Woods.
5. The Flood from Children of Eden
6. I dreamed a Dream from Les Mis
7. Frostiana: A Girl's Garden by MoTab
8. Your Eyes from Rent
9. Pure Imagination by Vox One(Also from Willy Wonka)
10. Sarah Brown Eyes from Ragtime
1. One by One from Lion King
2. Shiksa Goddess from the Last 5 Years
3. The Rose by the King's Singers
4. On the Steps of the Palace from Into the Woods.
5. The Flood from Children of Eden
6. I dreamed a Dream from Les Mis
7. Frostiana: A Girl's Garden by MoTab
8. Your Eyes from Rent
9. Pure Imagination by Vox One(Also from Willy Wonka)
10. Sarah Brown Eyes from Ragtime
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
day 12: write a poem
There once was a girl,
and she loved to twirl.
she had a brother,
he was a bother,
she loved him the same.
for Sam was his name,
many things they love
both the rats and dove.
Though sometimes a bother,
they loved eachother!
and she loved to twirl.
she had a brother,
he was a bother,
she loved him the same.
for Sam was his name,
many things they love
both the rats and dove.
Though sometimes a bother,
they loved eachother!
day 11: write a bucket list of things you want to do before you die
I've honestly never really thought of things that I want to do before I die. Here are a few though.
1. I want to be a husband.
2. I want to be a father.
3. I want to live a happy life.
4. I want to visit Rome, Athens, Jerusalem, Egypt, Barcelona, London, Moscow, St. Petersberg, Germany, Liechtenstein, Vienna, Venice, Prague, Budapest, Istanbul, Belgium, Milan, Florence, Marseilles, Waterloo, and Versailles. Basically visit everyone in Europe and some places the in Egypt that have any historical value. Hopefully I'll find someplace more magnificent that I've never even heard of yet.
5. I want to take an extensive trip around DC, Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and other places to visit the battlefields of the civil war.
6. I want to understand what exactly everyone honestly believed that made them hold a gun against brothers.
7. I want to believe and love something bigger than myself, that I know it is something so right that it is worth giving up everything I have.
8. I want to have a long hard stare at the WW2 Memorial in Hawaii.
9. I want to personally thank a veteran that I'd never met, and all the ones that I have.
10. I want to go to the places in Japan that the nuclear bombs were dropped. I want to learn the will that they had to overcome that.
Those are just some of the things I'd love to do.
1. I want to be a husband.
2. I want to be a father.
3. I want to live a happy life.
4. I want to visit Rome, Athens, Jerusalem, Egypt, Barcelona, London, Moscow, St. Petersberg, Germany, Liechtenstein, Vienna, Venice, Prague, Budapest, Istanbul, Belgium, Milan, Florence, Marseilles, Waterloo, and Versailles. Basically visit everyone in Europe and some places the in Egypt that have any historical value. Hopefully I'll find someplace more magnificent that I've never even heard of yet.
5. I want to take an extensive trip around DC, Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and other places to visit the battlefields of the civil war.
6. I want to understand what exactly everyone honestly believed that made them hold a gun against brothers.
7. I want to believe and love something bigger than myself, that I know it is something so right that it is worth giving up everything I have.
8. I want to have a long hard stare at the WW2 Memorial in Hawaii.
9. I want to personally thank a veteran that I'd never met, and all the ones that I have.
10. I want to go to the places in Japan that the nuclear bombs were dropped. I want to learn the will that they had to overcome that.
Those are just some of the things I'd love to do.
day 13: your 5 favorite books and why, part 2
So, I got distracted and posted before I wrote all five books... Here are the last two.
I'm gonna go with the Dragonlance series. Have you noticed a theme yet? A small group of adventurers that come together to become friends, or in this series' case, even better friends. They find something to believe in, a cause to risk everything for and in doing so discover things about them that they never thought possible. Like a dwarf loving a Kender(which is a small childlike race inflicted with wanderlust and kleptomania) A man that wants to be a knight so bad yet can only achieve so in death, finally sacrifices himself so that thousands can survive and becomes a man so revered by all that he inspires an entire army to victory against all odds...and dragons! Also, I love dragons, way too much. Majestic animals that seem to be able to do anything they desire, that are gloriously beautiful(in my head at least) and yet terrifying to behold! The thought of dragons can capture my imagination and passion for hours and hours and hours.
Lastly, I think I'm going to something that I didn't think would count itself as one of my favorites, yet I cannot possibly think of another book or series that I enjoy more. It is the Enoch Letters, written by Neal A. Maxwell. In this book a man is interested by this strange city of Enoch that seems to have popped up out of the ground. He investigates just to see what these strange people believe. At first, he is astounded that he mocks and ridicules them. Eventually he comes to see logically why what they are doing makes sense, then he comes to believe in Zion. He writes about the way of life that one can achieve when working for everyone, when there is so much love that you could never want more than what you need. He eventually intrigues his colleague so much that he comes to investigate, only to find that the city has disappeared.
I'm gonna go with the Dragonlance series. Have you noticed a theme yet? A small group of adventurers that come together to become friends, or in this series' case, even better friends. They find something to believe in, a cause to risk everything for and in doing so discover things about them that they never thought possible. Like a dwarf loving a Kender(which is a small childlike race inflicted with wanderlust and kleptomania) A man that wants to be a knight so bad yet can only achieve so in death, finally sacrifices himself so that thousands can survive and becomes a man so revered by all that he inspires an entire army to victory against all odds...and dragons! Also, I love dragons, way too much. Majestic animals that seem to be able to do anything they desire, that are gloriously beautiful(in my head at least) and yet terrifying to behold! The thought of dragons can capture my imagination and passion for hours and hours and hours.
Lastly, I think I'm going to something that I didn't think would count itself as one of my favorites, yet I cannot possibly think of another book or series that I enjoy more. It is the Enoch Letters, written by Neal A. Maxwell. In this book a man is interested by this strange city of Enoch that seems to have popped up out of the ground. He investigates just to see what these strange people believe. At first, he is astounded that he mocks and ridicules them. Eventually he comes to see logically why what they are doing makes sense, then he comes to believe in Zion. He writes about the way of life that one can achieve when working for everyone, when there is so much love that you could never want more than what you need. He eventually intrigues his colleague so much that he comes to investigate, only to find that the city has disappeared.
day 13: your 5 favorite books and why
I'm gonna go more with Series, because I can't just pick some books in that series!
My favorite book and series is Ender's Shadow/Shadows Series. I love this book because you follow a 5 year old kid his entire life as he saves the world from total war, alien annihilation, helps cause an alien xenocide. He doesn't even have a real name, he's called Bean because that used to be all he's worth. It's just awesome to see the growth of a tiny sized super genius to a giant sized hero of all mankind that no one knows about.
My second favorite series is The Chronicles of Narnia. I just love all the characters in these books, the way he writes, but most of all, I love the Christian symbolism. One of my favorite moments, that is not depicted all that well in the movie, is in the Voyage of the Dawn Treader. When Eustace is wanting to be changed from a dragon back to a boy. He tries with all his might several times to scratch off his skin, but what ever he does is not enough. He almost seems to have it, but he just can't do it himself. It's the most painful thing he's ever felt but he still cannot do it. Finally, he gives up himself to Aslan, asks him to finish what he can't by himself. He describes it as the most painful, yet liberating thing imaginable as Aslan cuts into his skin deeper than he thought possible; yet in the end he knows he did the right thing and finds himself a boy again.
My 3rd favorite is The Lord of the Rings, but this one is less cheating because it was technically written as one book first. This one once again, I love deeply, and once again it's because of the growth I see in the characters. From Aragorn rising to who he is to become king, Boromir the instantaneous from greedy and selfish to hero, Merry and Pippin from care-free nonchalant hobbits to knights that help save the Gondor and the world from certain destruction. Legolas and Gimli overcome thousands of years of racial distrust and hatred to find the truest friendship that anyone can find, their love for each other is only surpassed by that of Sam and Frodo, who overcome all odds and challenges to not only remain friends but trespass into the realm of evil and yet continue to have hope in their cause and one another. Plus, Gandalf is just plain awesome.
My favorite book and series is Ender's Shadow/Shadows Series. I love this book because you follow a 5 year old kid his entire life as he saves the world from total war, alien annihilation, helps cause an alien xenocide. He doesn't even have a real name, he's called Bean because that used to be all he's worth. It's just awesome to see the growth of a tiny sized super genius to a giant sized hero of all mankind that no one knows about.
My second favorite series is The Chronicles of Narnia. I just love all the characters in these books, the way he writes, but most of all, I love the Christian symbolism. One of my favorite moments, that is not depicted all that well in the movie, is in the Voyage of the Dawn Treader. When Eustace is wanting to be changed from a dragon back to a boy. He tries with all his might several times to scratch off his skin, but what ever he does is not enough. He almost seems to have it, but he just can't do it himself. It's the most painful thing he's ever felt but he still cannot do it. Finally, he gives up himself to Aslan, asks him to finish what he can't by himself. He describes it as the most painful, yet liberating thing imaginable as Aslan cuts into his skin deeper than he thought possible; yet in the end he knows he did the right thing and finds himself a boy again.
My 3rd favorite is The Lord of the Rings, but this one is less cheating because it was technically written as one book first. This one once again, I love deeply, and once again it's because of the growth I see in the characters. From Aragorn rising to who he is to become king, Boromir the instantaneous from greedy and selfish to hero, Merry and Pippin from care-free nonchalant hobbits to knights that help save the Gondor and the world from certain destruction. Legolas and Gimli overcome thousands of years of racial distrust and hatred to find the truest friendship that anyone can find, their love for each other is only surpassed by that of Sam and Frodo, who overcome all odds and challenges to not only remain friends but trespass into the realm of evil and yet continue to have hope in their cause and one another. Plus, Gandalf is just plain awesome.
day 10: songs you listen to when you're happy/sad/bored/mad
For me, it's less about songs I listen to as to what songs I play/sing. I'll sing all kinds of songs when I'm happy, I just love singing in general, but the Suessical songs are definitely going to be some of my new favorites! My favorite songs of all time to sing when I'm happy are Corner of the Sky and Giants in the Sky, the former from Pippin the latter from Into the Woods.
Some songs I sing when I'm sad are things like: Empty Chairs at Empty Tables, from Les Miserables, No One is Alone, from Into the Woods, This is the Moment, from Jekyll and Hyde, and If I Can't Love Her, from Beauty and the Beast.
My angry songs are sometimes my favorite. These songs are the songs that really always bring out a passion. I get hot and sweaty every time I sing these songs. They are: Facade from Jekyll and Hyde, She Cries, from Song for a New World, Confrontation, from Jekyll and Hyde, and I would love to sing Madame Guillotine from Scarlet Pimpernel, but it didn't come in the song book :(
Some songs I sing when I'm sad are things like: Empty Chairs at Empty Tables, from Les Miserables, No One is Alone, from Into the Woods, This is the Moment, from Jekyll and Hyde, and If I Can't Love Her, from Beauty and the Beast.
My angry songs are sometimes my favorite. These songs are the songs that really always bring out a passion. I get hot and sweaty every time I sing these songs. They are: Facade from Jekyll and Hyde, She Cries, from Song for a New World, Confrontation, from Jekyll and Hyde, and I would love to sing Madame Guillotine from Scarlet Pimpernel, but it didn't come in the song book :(
day 9: something you were proud of from the past few days
Over the last few days a lot of good things have happened! But I'm going to pick the fact that I'm actually moved out! After today I should have no more reason to sleep at home(I've done that a few times for convenience sake) I even went grocery shopping, washed the dished and done laundry all by myself. I know it's not a lot, but it's a part of growing up which is something I'm still now sure I'm allowed to do.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
day 8: short-term goals for this month
So, I'm gonna do June since I've only got a week left. First off, get a job, then get a car, then party like it's 1653. I feel it's always good to have renaissance party. Those are my short term goals for right now.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
day 7: a picture of someone/something that has had the biggest impact on you
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
day 6: favorite superhero and why
This one is a toughy, there are a lot of awesome super heroes. I'm gonna have to go with Wolverine, you can't go wrong with bright yellow spandex can you? Yes, you can actually, but he doesn't. He's just so awesome, I've always loved Wolverine. I don't know why, but I've loved him in the cartoons, the movies, and anything else you could ever imagine. He's just plain awesome. There's something to being immortal yet still being able to feel pain. With pain comes fear, so even though he knows he'll survive, he knows how much it hurts and still does what needs to be done, therefore, pure awesome.
Monday, May 23, 2011
day 5: a picture of somewhere you've been
day 4: a habit that you wish you didn't have
This one is a lot tougher. Mainly because I'm perfect, but I guess I'd say that whenever I feel something I feel is dumb in any way, I brood over it for days and sometimes weekz. That is a very bad habit I wish I didn't have.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Saturday, May 21, 2011
day 2: the meaning behind your blog name
Oooh! That one is easy! I'll give you both the website and the name.
First the website name, Stockett228. You see, it's my name and my number I've always used! I picked when I was 8 and have stuck with it!(Oh and it's my birthday)
Justin Stockett's grand adventure called life. Well, it's called that because that is exactly as I view my life. A grand adventure, with things to do and those stories to be told. Currently I'm not very good at sharing those stories, but hopefully this will help change that!
First the website name, Stockett228. You see, it's my name and my number I've always used! I picked when I was 8 and have stuck with it!(Oh and it's my birthday)
Justin Stockett's grand adventure called life. Well, it's called that because that is exactly as I view my life. A grand adventure, with things to do and those stories to be told. Currently I'm not very good at sharing those stories, but hopefully this will help change that!
Friday, May 20, 2011
day 1: recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself

1. I'm a total geek in every aspect of the word. Including socially awkward.
2. I can play 2.5 instruments. The .5 is Piano
3. I've half taught myself to play piano.
4. I like to win.
5. I'm in love with theater.
6. I'm so in love with theater I've devoted thousands of hours to it.
7. I've performed on stage approximately 245 times. (assuming 5 performances for ever school show, and 15 for Scera shows)
8. 2 ex-girlfriends are married.
9. My 2 first dates both have children.
10. I've made 2500$ performing theater!
11. The most characters I've played in a show was 22. Most of them were girls.
12. I didn't find out I was a first tenor till after high school.
13. I got a concussion while almost getting decapitated.
which brings me to...
15. In theater, I've performed for approximately 140,000 people.
Blog challenge.
So, you know I clearly don't post enough when I have to google myself to find my own blog. Luckily it's public so it's easy to find, BUT! In an attempt to forge my blog into my memory I will be beginning the 30 day blog challenge as outlined in 5..
day 1: recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself
day 2: the meaning behind your blog name
day 3: a picture of yourself as a child
day 4: a habit that you wish you didn't have
day 5: a picture of somewhere you've been
day 6: favorite superhero and why
day 7: a picture of someone/something that has had the biggest impact on you
day 8: short-term goals for this month
day 9: something you were proud of from the past few days
day 10: songs you listen to when you're happy/sad/bored/mad
day 11: write a bucket list of things you want to do before you die
day 12: write a poem
day 13: your 5 favorite books and why
day 14: a picture of you and your family
day 15: put your iPod on shuffle and list the first 10 songs that play
day 16: a picture of yourself
day 17: someone you'd want to switch lives with for a day and why
day 18: plans/dreams/goals you have
day 19: write about a sweet memory from your past
day 20: write a letter to someone
day 21: a picture of something that makes you happy
day 22: what makes you different from everyone else
day 23: something you crave a lot
day 24: post your favorite quotation and why
day 25: what would I find in your bag
day 26: list 10 things you are thankful for
day 27: my day job vs. my passion
day 28: cruise a dictionary and pick out 10 words you like the sound of
day 29: favorite TV shows and why you like them
day 30: movies you can watch again and again
Feel free to join and if you don't want to, that's fine too
day 1: recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself
day 2: the meaning behind your blog name
day 3: a picture of yourself as a child
day 4: a habit that you wish you didn't have
day 5: a picture of somewhere you've been
day 6: favorite superhero and why
day 7: a picture of someone/something that has had the biggest impact on you
day 8: short-term goals for this month
day 9: something you were proud of from the past few days
day 10: songs you listen to when you're happy/sad/bored/mad
day 11: write a bucket list of things you want to do before you die
day 12: write a poem
day 13: your 5 favorite books and why
day 14: a picture of you and your family
day 15: put your iPod on shuffle and list the first 10 songs that play
day 16: a picture of yourself
day 17: someone you'd want to switch lives with for a day and why
day 18: plans/dreams/goals you have
day 19: write about a sweet memory from your past
day 20: write a letter to someone
day 21: a picture of something that makes you happy
day 22: what makes you different from everyone else
day 23: something you crave a lot
day 24: post your favorite quotation and why
day 25: what would I find in your bag
day 26: list 10 things you are thankful for
day 27: my day job vs. my passion
day 28: cruise a dictionary and pick out 10 words you like the sound of
day 29: favorite TV shows and why you like them
day 30: movies you can watch again and again
Feel free to join and if you don't want to, that's fine too
Sunday, April 24, 2011
So, recently I've discovered the joy of acting and making money doing it. I've done Scarlet Pimpernel and Hairspray at the Hale Center Theater Orem. Forever more known as HCTO. Even though I've enjoyed doing these things. Something in my head as gotten me to go back to the Scera. I've just been cast as the beautiful girl/follies director. I think his name is Sid. For those of you who actually know the movie will get who I'm talking about. Those that don't... I'll tell you when I figure it out. Also, this post is inspired by me googling myself and finding that several of the first things that come up are this blog. I felt weird that it was updated so...not at all.
Also, I'm moving out. So I'm going to attempt to tell everybody things that they will no longer hear on a daily basis. So, look out family. You might actually get to know what's up in my life.
Also, I'm moving out. So I'm going to attempt to tell everybody things that they will no longer hear on a daily basis. So, look out family. You might actually get to know what's up in my life.
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