Tuesday, May 31, 2011

day 13: your 5 favorite books and why

I'm gonna go more with Series, because I can't just pick some books in that series!

My favorite book and series is Ender's Shadow/Shadows Series. I love this book because you follow a 5 year old kid his entire life as he saves the world from total war, alien annihilation, helps cause an alien xenocide. He doesn't even have a real name, he's called Bean because that used to be all he's worth. It's just awesome to see the growth of a tiny sized super genius to a giant sized hero of all mankind that no one knows about.

My second favorite series is The Chronicles of Narnia. I just love all the characters in these books, the way he writes, but most of all, I love the Christian symbolism. One of my favorite moments, that is not depicted all that well in the movie, is in the Voyage of the Dawn Treader. When Eustace is wanting to be changed from a dragon back to a boy. He tries with all his might several times to scratch off his skin, but what ever he does is not enough. He almost seems to have it, but he just can't do it himself. It's the most painful thing he's ever felt but he still cannot do it. Finally, he gives up himself to Aslan, asks him to finish what he can't by himself. He describes it as the most painful, yet liberating thing imaginable as Aslan cuts into his skin deeper than he thought possible; yet in the end he knows he did the right thing and finds himself a boy again.

My 3rd favorite is The Lord of the Rings, but this one is less cheating because it was technically written as one book first. This one once again, I love deeply, and once again it's because of the growth I see in the characters. From Aragorn rising to who he is to become king, Boromir the instantaneous from greedy and selfish to hero, Merry and Pippin from care-free nonchalant hobbits to knights that help save the Gondor and the world from certain destruction. Legolas and Gimli overcome thousands of years of racial distrust and hatred to find the truest friendship that anyone can find, their love for each other is only surpassed by that of Sam and Frodo, who overcome all odds and challenges to not only remain friends but trespass into the realm of evil and yet continue to have hope in their cause and one another. Plus, Gandalf is just plain awesome.


  1. Ever thought of writing reviews?

  2. Haha, not at all, but if you ever wonder about a series and I've read it I could maybe write what I liked about it, I'm not very good at saying what I didn't like though.

  3. Wow, I loved what you said about each series. I have read all or part of each of those and have similar feelings about them. Awesome books.
