Sunday, June 5, 2011

day 15: put your iPod on shuffle and list the first 10 songs that play

So, I don't have an ipod, so I'll do Pandora!

1. One by One from Lion King
2. Shiksa Goddess from the Last 5 Years
3. The Rose by the King's Singers
4. On the Steps of the Palace from Into the Woods.
5. The Flood from Children of Eden
6. I dreamed a Dream from Les Mis
7. Frostiana: A Girl's Garden by MoTab
8. Your Eyes from Rent
9. Pure Imagination by Vox One(Also from Willy Wonka)
10. Sarah Brown Eyes from Ragtime


  1. Is our family lame? I don't think any of us has ever owned an iPod...Well, I guess Jeff has an iPhone now...but still.

  2. Good taste in music and diverse.
