Tuesday, May 31, 2011

day 13: your 5 favorite books and why, part 2

So, I got distracted and posted before I wrote all five books... Here are the last two.

I'm gonna go with the Dragonlance series. Have you noticed a theme yet? A small group of adventurers that come together to become friends, or in this series' case, even better friends. They find something to believe in, a cause to risk everything for and in doing so discover things about them that they never thought possible. Like a dwarf loving a Kender(which is a small childlike race inflicted with wanderlust and kleptomania) A man that wants to be a knight so bad yet can only achieve so in death, finally sacrifices himself so that thousands can survive and becomes a man so revered by all that he inspires an entire army to victory against all odds...and dragons! Also, I love dragons, way too much. Majestic animals that seem to be able to do anything they desire, that are gloriously beautiful(in my head at least) and yet terrifying to behold! The thought of dragons can capture my imagination and passion for hours and hours and hours.

Lastly, I think I'm going to something that I didn't think would count itself as one of my favorites, yet I cannot possibly think of another book or series that I enjoy more. It is the Enoch Letters, written by Neal A. Maxwell. In this book a man is interested by this strange city of Enoch that seems to have popped up out of the ground. He investigates just to see what these strange people believe. At first, he is astounded that he mocks and ridicules them. Eventually he comes to see logically why what they are doing makes sense, then he comes to believe in Zion. He writes about the way of life that one can achieve when working for everyone, when there is so much love that you could never want more than what you need. He eventually intrigues his colleague so much that he comes to investigate, only to find that the city has disappeared.

1 comment:

  1. that's it. your fourth one is the only one i haven't read. (well I still need to read Ender's Shadow, but I've read Ender's Game, its a start). So I've decided I need to read your fourth mentioned since I love all the others you've mentioned.
