Sunday, July 10, 2011

So once there was a question...

What would I need to be capable of feeling like an adult. That's a tricky question, because I'm gonna be honest. I don't really want to feel like an adult. It has a horrifying connotation to me. Because being a kid is fun. Kids are capable of doing anything they put their mind to...Adults limit themselves, they have to be a certain way. There are "qualifications." I feel my life doesn't need those, I'm a person that can't live within limited boundaries. I like the freedom to whatever I feel like doing. I love the ability to make decisions and choices, but adults still limit themselves. They give themselves a feeling of accomplishment for saying they can't do those things anymore. Being an adult means you're better than being a kid, which to me makes it worse. By defining themselves as better it feels to me that they're limiting themselves with whatever makes them better. So, I don't want to ever feel like an adult, I don't want to experience what it's like to define myself as better, smarter, bigger, or whatever. I like believing in Santa, I love believing in magic. I feel there is nothing that would make me want to be an adult. I want to be a kid with my wife, I want to be a kid with my kids, and most of all I want to be a kid with my grandkids, there's nothing cooler than a kid grandpa, right? ^_^


  1. I do not think the question meant what you think the question meant. But nonetheless questions were answered.

  2. I'm old. I know that. But in my opinion a kid is far more limited than an adult. Here's why: As a kid, you believe what others tell you, not what you choose to believe. You are dependent upon others to take care of you, therefore you only have what others are willing to give.

    As an adult, I choose to believe in magic, but not in Santa Claus, because I don't want to. As an adult, I give myself all that I need... and I spend my time where and doing what I want to do.

    Your fear of becoming an adult could actually be creating the very thing you are trying to avoid... And the question only you can answer, "Is it?"

    A disclaimer:To clarify, I have no idea if what I am saying is true or just complete nonsense. This is just what I thought as I read what you wrote.

  3. Oh, and you never, NEVER have to believe you are better than ANYONE else. You can love you and where you are at without devaluing anyone or their experiences.

  4. Here is my take on being an adult: I don't think that being an adult makes you better than being a kid. I think kids have things over adults in so many ways, but they often limit themselves because they look at things in a more selfish, it's all about me, way. I must admit that sometimes I don't do the kid things any more, but it is because I don't want to because I am tired or just content to do something else. That is where I get great enjoyment in watching others do it. I still believe in the magic of Santa Claus, the excitement of the first day of school, the wonder of seeing a bug on a leaf, the sounds of the wind and rain and so many other things. Sometimes it takes being around a kid to remind me how much I love it, maybe that is why we have kids and grandkids, to keep us aware of all that is wonderful in the world.
