Sunday, April 24, 2011


So, recently I've discovered the joy of acting and making money doing it. I've done Scarlet Pimpernel and Hairspray at the Hale Center Theater Orem. Forever more known as HCTO. Even though I've enjoyed doing these things. Something in my head as gotten me to go back to the Scera. I've just been cast as the beautiful girl/follies director. I think his name is Sid. For those of you who actually know the movie will get who I'm talking about. Those that don't... I'll tell you when I figure it out. Also, this post is inspired by me googling myself and finding that several of the first things that come up are this blog. I felt weird that it was updated so...not at all.

Also, I'm moving out. So I'm going to attempt to tell everybody things that they will no longer hear on a daily basis. So, look out family. You might actually get to know what's up in my life.

1 comment:

  1. I am excited to see you perform again (I always love a good show)! I am also so happy that you are going to finally have the experience of living on your own. I didn't leave home right away either but when I did I learned things about myself that I never would have if I hadn't pushed myself. I REALLY hope you have a good experience and I hope you keep me updated on the life and times of Justin Stockett!
