Tuesday, October 25, 2011

I was a chaperone once.

Once upon a time a few weeks ago. I was a chaperone. Truth be told, I was not ready for it. I knew how to be a drama coach. That is something I can do. Am I the best at it? No, no where near. Do I know what I'm doing? No, not really. Can I do it anyways, and put together a scene or a monologue that at least makes sense? Most of the time. There are some things that I'm just not very good at yet, I'm okay with that. I plan to become better.

But all of that is besides the point, what I really want to talk about is that I was a chaperone. It's horrifying, completely and utterly horrifying. Just ask Mr. Lemen who's daughter I happened to be a chaperone for. I was the last one asleep and the first one awake. That included going to sleep at 2 am and getting up at 6. It was only for 3 days, but I was so tired I fell asleep at 11, in my car. Luckily I wasn't driving, I realized I was going to fall asleep. I lost a few kids a few times, none of them died. For some reason they got in trouble, I didn't... I learned and did room checks! WEIRD!

Yet somehow, I still had the most fun I've ever had at Shakespeare, I came away knowing more so that when I was a teacher my kids were coming. I don't care where I'm teaching, even if it's in New York, Florida, Washington, or even in Cedar City, we're coming! I helped a kid realized that she really DID love doing this stuff. Even though it's hard and intimidating. It's great to do! I had the time of my life, my kids did too!

PS. These kids were SO my kids. I loved everyone of them and it was such a great experience for me. We didn't win a thing, but they learned about what they like to do, they had a good experience and their good experience is what defined it for me.


  1. I'm glad you had a good experience with your kids. I hope you have lots more experiences like that. It sounds like you really helped them to grow.

  2. I'm glad no one died, and you didn't die. And you had a great time. I'm way excited for when you become a teacher.

  3. Awesome! I bet they loved having you as a chaperone, too.
