Monday, June 6, 2011

day 17: someone you'd want to switch lives with for a day and why

So what most people seem to not understand or get about me is how much I LOVE to understand things. It's my main motivation in life, so when I say who I want to switch with keep that in mind.

One of the people I would be most interested in switching with for a typical day would be Hitler. Lets be honest for a second, he was a genius. He controlled the German minds to think what he wanted them to think, or to at least not think that what he thought was wrong. I just want to understand why he honestly felt the way he did. I don't know if he truly thought that the Arians were the supreme race, he wasn't blue eyed or blonde haired, why didn't he pick his body type? I don't know if he honestly hated and blamed the Jews or not. Was is only real desire power, psychologically, why was that his driving motive? If I was my mind in his body with his memories, would it come to the same conclusions he did? Was he just so far gone that I couldn't even have a glimmer of understanding?

In my life understanding has meant love, if I can understand a man so twisted as him and still find a reason to respect and love him, maybe there would be a chance for me?


  1. I've read some of his writings, and although I can't say for sure what he felt... I can only know what he wrote, he seemed to really believe he was doing the world a favor, which makes him even scarier than if he had known what an awful thing he was doing...

    I like your questions a lot, and I'd like to know the answers too.

    In my opinion, the more similarities we find with others, even dictators that kill millions, the more peace we will create.

  2. Interesting choice. I would like to know what made him think the way he did as well. I find it interesting that he didn't pick his own body type. Would he eventually have had himself killed? Well, I guess the answer to that would be yes.

  3. Mom, you made me laugh out loud. :)
