Thursday, March 22, 2012

So, I'm think I'm over my sound effects. That's good right? AKA Today was special.

So, today was a special day. Special because no other word really honestly comes close to describing it.

So, first off, most of the time I'm between extremely disliking my boss and not really caring. Second of all, one of the grandmas I work with is extremely judgmental and drives me crazy, I generally ignore her. Lastly, the last grandma is awesome. She's my favorite. Obviously. She is a musician and photographer who happens to make some money making lunch for elementary students in the morning. I am an aspiring whatever I am that also happens to make money in the same manner. She's going through very difficult things in her life and learning so much and it's kind of amazing to see these things. I like this about her. This is not what made today special, I just felt you all needed that update.

What today special was that fact that I had an audition that was driving me CRAZY. I really really really want to be an actor that makes money while acting. I don't have to be a professional actor that that's all I do. I'm okay with that not being the case, it's ideal but not necessary. So, when I have an audition that I'm freaking out about, I generally freak out all over the place. (I'm an all or nothing kind of guy, what can I say?) With this in mind, the grandmas(the ladies I work with all happen to be grandmas, hence the title) were well aware of what was going on in my life. My favorite grandma, the musician, plays the piano. She plays it very well, and offered to play for me during our lunch hour. Obviously, I was freaking out about said audition and music so I said yes, please. As such, we spent the next 30 minutes singing and playing, which made me so very happy. Like it normally does. That's not the entirely special part about today though. Afterwards my boss, whom I am generally in disagreement/dislike with. Came up to me and said I sounded wonderful and treated me very well the whole rest of the day. Frankly, she gave me respect that she seemed completely unwilling ever to give. (Plus I felt somewhat ameliorated because I was proved right about something and her wrong. I was very proud of myself not to say anything, it happened before the singing so I was in a somewhat more sour mood)

That's not all, though that alone was very nice, happy, and special in its own right. Afterwards, I spent two hours reading(which happens everyday and is both my least and most favorite part of the day) I started my custodial job after school. Most of the day was normal, with me feeling somewhat more exhausted than normal. Not sure why, but I'm always tired so it wasn't too big a deal. Then we did blackmarks, which is the part of the day where I actually work with someone while cleaning. The 3 of us, (my boss and co-sweeper) get together and are actually able to talk. Nothing really special happened other than due to the fact that I'm nervous I was convinced into singing for the two of them. I said, "Okay, but we're going to a piano so I can atleast plunk out notes for myself." My boss, who is generally the a very sarcastic person in a very kind way. (He pretends he's a jerk, but he's honestly a ridiculously nice guy) Gave me a truly sincere compliment, and the high school girl is, I think in love with my voice. That was nice, but totally unexpected. It's not that I think I don't deserve these compliments or anything, but being complimented like that by people who have never given me any sort of compliment before was nice. It smoothed over a lot of things. When I got to my audition I still felt like I was going to have a heart attack. (When ever I go to an audition, I feel like I'm about to die, and as such, I get the feeling most people get when they describe when they almost get hit by a car or something, full of life)

That's still not the end of my special day. After my audition, I went to rehearsal. I love rehearsals(this is new) everyone is so talented that I feel blessed to be among them, rather than jealous or annoyed..or whatever. But still even though I generally love rehearsals, today was (You guessed it!) SPECIAL! The director got up and talked about what this show meant to him and why, and basically bore his testimony. The thinks he said touched me in a way and manner that few would understand because they just don't know some things about me and my life. This made my eyes water. I may have actually shed a tear. For those of you not aware. I was practically balling. One tear for me, is A LOT. I don't know why, but I don't like crying. My body and mind just don't agree on the subject. Sometimes when I do actually cry, I don't get why and when my mind says I should be crying my body says :P (It's really quite rude of it really)
Today my mind and body were almost in agreement and I shed almost two, but not quite one, tear. Plus, the end of The Secret Garden, is...beautiful. That's really the only way to put it. I'm excited for you all to see it, hopefully it'll be amazing.

That was my special day. It may just be rambling, but it sure felt special. I hope you all get it! ^_^


  1. JUSTIN, LOVE! YOU are SO awesome! Reading this made me all happy inside. ;) I'm glad you had such an awesome day!

  2. I'm glad you had a good day! Love you!

  3. Sounds like an awesome day! Love you! And I'd agree with all those that complimented your singing: You are great!
