Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Oh hey, I still have a blog/The recipe for MY happiness.

HEY! I still have a blog. Who knew? Unless of course you're one of the thousands of spam bots that absolutely LOVE my Things that Make me Giggle post. Seriously though, those spam bots love it.

I was reading this blog post Twelve Habits of Happy Healthy People who don't Give a Crap about your Inner Peace (WARNING: This post would be Rated "R" For foul language) This post made me happy.

You know what else this post wanted to make me do? Write about the recipe for MY happiness. Somethings on it may help you find happiness in your life, and if it does COOL! If not, meh.

Numero Uno. Be me ALWAYS.

2. Find time to be uninhibited me. If I want to laugh crazy loud, laugh crazy loud. If I want to stick my tongue out at that random stranger stick my tongue out at that random stranger. If I want to punch something, or go hiking or stare at a rock for 3 hours. Find time to be Absolute ME.

Tres. Do something you love everyday.

4 Find something to do for someone I love everyday

Cinco. Express myself, to someone.

6. Have friends that I can express myself with as well as be my uninhibited me. The friends that won't be embarrassed by me. That friends that don't try to bring me down when I need to be Absolute ME.

Siete. Be annoyed when I'm annoyed rather then let it fester into anger. Enjoy the little things, experience the little things and do your best to not blow all the little things out of proportion.

Ocho. Find a new adventure in the things you do every day. (Even if it's breaking a silly patter of a numerical symbol followed by the Spanish number)

8.999... Don't bring yourself down when you DO blow something out of proportion. When you DO let annoyances fester into anger. You made a mistake and THAT'S OKAY.

10. Do your best to learn from mistakes.

11. If you're angry at yourself A Figure out why and B. It's okay to use your anger as motivation to fix it. You're angry at yourself because you feel you did something wrong. Anger is better than depression

DiceDos Embrace your OCD. You're OCD because you feel like something is wrong.

13. Be stronger than your anxiety.

14. Know when to edit yourself. You don't have to "cater" to your audience, but you do have to know when to hold something in.

15. Remember that your loved. Seriously, you're awesome and people love you. YOU LOVE YOU, you just can't always remember it. If you're not feeling it right now, express your love to someone.

16. Remember that anxiety isn't the devil. It's a part of you. You feel anxious for a reason and it's not always a bad thing.

17. Remember that anxiety isn't your friend. It's a part of you. You feel anxious for a reason and it's not always a good thing.

18. Remember that you're strong, talented, and if I do say so myself goldurned good looking.

Dicenueve. Remember that you're not always the strongest, most talented or best looking person and that's okay.

20. Be aware of those around you and their needs, you cherish the opportunities involved in bringing smiles to other peoples' faces.

21. You're journey will be hard but that doesn't mean you need to take it alone. Some days you'll want to be alone and you shouldn't be, some days being alone will be exactly what you need and some days you'll be strong enough to cry out for help when you need it. Some days you'll be strong enough to answer other's calls for help.

22. He honest, strong, confident, and humble. Do your best to put yourself to serve those who need it. Some days you'll answer that call and some days you won't.

23. You're not a terrible person for saying you can't today.

24. You'll be unhappy if you answer that call every time.

25. It's okay that you're that way.

26. Choose to believe in magic.
This is what I look like when I'm happy/an evil villain. Also, if you read the blog I linked to you'll appreciate the fact that this is not a picture of a woman in yoga pants on an empty beach staring out into the sunset.