Sunday, August 21, 2011


I feel weird, I start working two jobs on Tuesday. I am working 41 hours next week, and there's always the possibility of more. I feel crazy, anxious, tired, and everything else. My brain is relaxed but my body is tensed. I just don't know what is going on anymore. It's completely driving my insane and I just want things to be normal for a second. Instead, I have no money, my dad get's laid off and everything just seems to be going wrong. I'm stressed out and I haven't even started yet.... It's just a blarg kind of day.


  1. :( Hey if there's anything we can do, let us know. We love our 'Love'. So there's a website I'm going to text you that you should check out.... Even though it'll probably confuse you doing it this way, oh well.

  2. You're right, that is confusing. But, I don't know if you noticed this, but neither my parents or I have any moneys...

  3. Well it is 11:30pm and I have to wake up at 6:00am tomorrow to battle 22 seven-year-olds. I have given up on predicting what will happen in life. Things work out all right in the end. We don't know when the end will be for certain events in life but it will all be ok. Just keep swimming, Just keep Swimming!

  4. Life is busy, complex, hard and wonderful all at the same time. I have found that it is true that when one door closes another one opens and maybe this one will be even better and grander than the one before. I am so grateful that you and Zack both got jobs just prior to Dad's being laid off. I know it will be a while before you see the money but it is on its way. In a couple of months, this will just be a bump in the road and you will be on to new and different challenges. I agree with Robyn, it will all work out and we all need to just keep swimming.
