Friday, February 3, 2012


As you may or may not have noticed, that was a yell of frustration and anxiety. So, sometimes I read my sister's blog, which I love. But sometimes people I really don't like post on said blogs and make me really frustrated. I get REALLY sick of bigotry against my church. Is that wrong? I don't think so. They can decide whatever they want against us and it MUST be true because most of them know a case of it happening! As we all know, when something has happened once in a minority it's always true! RIGHT!? I don't know if I'm a truly open minded person, but I'm pretty sure I haven't made up my mind about everyone of a single race, gender, sexual orientation, ethnic origin, religious background, or any other sort of creed. It really bugs me when people have! To try to understand something more my sister wrote about, I followed a link to her blog. The post she linked to wasn't what made me cranky, it was one of the other posts about Mitt Romney. Now anyone can choose whether or not they like him. I kind of like him, I'm so sick of politics right now that I don't really care about who's president as long as they keep away from me, but to call him sexist because he's Mormon drives me crazy! There was something about abortion that she wrote about, too. About where the mother's life was 50/50 without an abortion, but that's not sexism, that is something about abortion. I can see getting cranky at him for advising if his advice was not asked for; I can see being offended that he said don't get it, despite doctors advice. This religion is FAITH based religion, if he believed through his faith that she would be fine, that's his prerogative as a religious leader to express that faith. Maybe he didn't do it in the way that which would be wisest, but he's a MAN. He does in fact make mistakes. If he didn't I would be worried, because there is no man that has ever or ever will be perfect in his earthly life. (for those of you worried right now, Christ was never a mere man, always heavenly and divine. He was mortal in body but eternal in mind, the veil was far thinner for he than for anyone else I believe)

Basically, why am I required to be open minded, and if not, "I am truly a horrible person." It drives me crazy. There is nothing in this life than a close minded person laying blame on someone for being close minded. Until you're ready to open your mind to all the possibilities on this earth, you have no room to judge. Since no man can possibly comprehend all possibilities of righteousness, wickedness, happiness, sorrow, courage, fear, faith, desire, greed, pride, jealousy, charity, or any other possible emotion, virtue, or sin. Then continue to seek and give comfort to those around you. Find the familiar to love, and the differences to respect. I'm not perfect in this at all. The first time I found myself as a minority in any way shape or form, I was uncomfortable. In time though, I was able to grow to love them and see how they are NOT at all different. As long as you are not building walls around yourself you can bring people together despite their walls. Most people are not strong enough to remain alone and indifferent when shown compassion and trust. Show that compassion and trust, let your own guard down sometimes. Stop hating and distrusting. Do everything within your power to love someone. Anyone. So a kindness to someone you've never met! It's fun. It's really hard. I used to be really good at it and I was the happiest(and most popular) I've ever been. Honestly, give someone a smile, or hold a door open! It's worth it. Just stop separating yourself from those that are different just because they are slightly different. You all have more in common than you have different. Even if you are the staunchest right-wing republican, you can find something to love in the most left-wing democrat. There is something to love and honor in everyone. No man is so far in the shadow he cannot turn back to the light. Just stop, please?